Capacity Building

Since its inception, ÉÙ¸¾×Ôο has built the capacity of coalitions, organizations, communities, government agencies, and the public health workforce to improve the health of communities. As thought leaders and practitioners, we aim to build skills and knowledge, while helping clients leverage their own expertise to build for more effective programs and organizations. With our support, clients increase capacity not only to lead initiatives, but to engage in collaborative efforts with non-traditional partners. Our work has built connections and competencies among youth, regional planners, business leaders, educators, faith-based communities, public safety workers, and community development agencies.

ÉÙ¸¾×Ôο brings our capacity building and consulting services together in customized solutions for MassHealth Accountable Care Organizations and Community Partners, through the Massachusetts Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program. Learn more.

Training & Technical Assistance

Organizational Effectiveness & Leadership Coaching